.... I call my friends to come pick me up and we decide to DRIVE around the city. We had no particular DESTINATION in mind because the city has an ARRAY of restaurants and night activities to choose from. As we circle around, I capture the SCENERY of Paris in lights in my mind, the sight of the CHAMPS ELYSEES gleaming in the dark night, the ARCH DE TRIOMPHE and the ARCH DE LA DEFENCE facing each other in the distant HORIZON. We sit in various restaurants and BRASSERIES tasting the sinful DELICACIES of the local chef's froie gras, smelling the familiarity of cigarette smokes that accompanies so many CONVERSATIONS.
We start to talk about various subjects such as ART, ANTHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS, MOVIES, LIFE in general and current events. A debate quickly ensues when the topic of laicite or secularism was brought to our ATTENTION. The French law banning students from wearing RELIGIOUS symbols in French public primary and secondary schools was just passed, and many believe it discriminated the Muslim COMMUNITY in the country. "They are asking me to deny WHO I am. I can't get a proper EDUCATION because of what I BELIEVE in. This violates our human RIGHTS," said Nabil. Of Morrocan decent, he is an ADAMANT political ACTIVIST, FERVENT idealist and an ELOQUENT speaker. The sensitive subject matter filled the air with somber THOUGHTS. Julien, the EXTEMPORANEOUS member of the group, stands up, grabs the bottle of wine from our table, drinks it to the last drop and STANDS on a chair. "VIVRE la France et la REVOLUTION!" he shouts out "On y vas!" Soon, we all followed suit, shouting and CHANTING the war songs of the Army of the Rhine; putting ASIDE all petty differences & worries... The night was still YOUNG.
MORNING was just a few hours away, you could almost FEEL the sun's GLARE rising up on the horizon. In the dark corners of every street, we could hear the distant SOUNDS of the VIOLINS playing songs of broken hearts and DREAMS, reciting the stories of distant LANDS and loved ones. I was completely INTOXICATED with the SOUNDS, SMELLS, TASTE and FEELINGS that are UNDENIABLY part of the city.
When I RETURN home, my neighbor had closed her SHUTTERS and I knew this DAY was over. I close the drapes to stop the RISING SUNLIGHT from penetrating the apartment. I put on my pyjama and slip under the covers. I close my eyes and SMILE as my mother did when I was young because I had finally UNDERSTOOD what made her so HAPPY.
PARIS is a city that TEACHES you to LOVE and embrace every MOMENT through its beauty and most of all, its JOIE DE VIVRE. I sing myself to sleep with the help of none other than EDITH PIAF's lyrics:
Paris, tu es ma gaite, Paris
Tu es ma douceur aussi
Tu es toute ma tendresse
Paris, tes gamins, tes artisans
Tes camelots et tes agents
Et tes matins de printemps
Paris, l'odeur de ton pave d'oies
De tes marroniers du bois
Je pense a toi sans cesse
Paris, je m'ennuie de toi mon vieux
On se retrouvera tous les deux
Mon grand Paris
With Love,